Digital Transformation in Pharma - Insights from MedSynapse
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Digital Transformation

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Digital transformation is often an umbrella term which includes any initiative that moves users off the paper and onto mobiles, tablets, and computers. But digital transformation is much more than that. It’s about the way pharma companies build business ecosystem through use of technology and data, thereby taking calculated risks, increasing collaboration, accelerating innovation and driving growth. Some companies born in this digital age will already know the advanced data analytics to achieve successful business outcomes, while others will need to make cultural and behavioural changes to keep up.

For both type of companies, lesson is the same: a flexible and integrated digital network is necessary to survive the competitive and regulated pharma environment.

Marketing Strategies

Next-Level Strategies for Engaging with Healthcare Professionals : Building Enduring Partnerships

The healthcare landscape is rapidly evolving, necessitating stronger, more effective partnerships between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals (HCPs). This article explores advanced strategies to enhance these critical relationships, focusing on personalized communication, digital tools, ethical transparency, continuing education, and collaborative initiatives. Personalized Communication Tactics To engage healthcare professionals effectively, pharmaceutical companies can utilize in-depth insights…
Customer Experience in Pharma Marketing

Designing Customer Experience for Pharma Marketing

HCPs increasingly want their experience with Pharma companies to be truly personalized, authentic, and built around their individual needs. In the Decision Journey of doctors, they face different mental barriers before they can move to the next stage. The key to overcoming these barriers is ENGAGEMENT with the HCP. MedSynapse works with its clients in Pharmaceutical Industry to manage the customer experience of doctors for product marketing with its innovative CXCenter offering.
Content is Still the King in Pharma Marketing

Content is Still the King in Pharma Marketing

Digital Transformation is helping pharmaceutical industry to revisit its business model, to improve processes, and to deliver an authentic customer experience to HCPs in their journey. Companies are now focusing on omnichannel engagement, data driven insights, responsiveness and personalization towards patients and doctors. However, Technology is an Enabler, not a Strategy in itself. It just helps companies to…
Turbocharging Pharma Marketing through Doctor Networks

Turbocharging Pharma Marketing through Doctor Networks

Product managers and marketers in the pharma industry have spent huge amounts of resources over email marketing, AdSense, and Facebook marketing with an objective to bring doctors to their website. Some have also launched mobile apps and propriety websites only to abandon them midway in absence of any traction between the doctors’ community. A majority,…
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