Customer Experience in Pharma Marketing
Why Pharma Websites-Apps Fail in HCP Engagement and What can be Done about it
Therapy Insights: Doctors and Their Perspectives
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Designing Customer Experience for Pharma Marketing

HCPs increasingly want their experience with Pharma companies to be truly personalized, authentic, and built around their individual needs. In the Decision Journey of doctors, they face different mental barriers before they can move to the next stage. The key to overcoming these barriers is ENGAGEMENT with the HCP. MedSynapse works with its clients in Pharmaceutical Industry to manage the customer experience of doctors for product marketing with its innovative CXCenter offering.

Why Pharma Websites/Apps Fail in HCP Engagement and How to Fix it

Social Listening and Therapy Insights: Doctors and Their Perspectives

As regulations are getting stricter and marketers are losing access to healthcare professionals, the product and brand itself is not enough for doctors to make their decision in prescription. Majority of the vanilla marketing are simply ignored by doctors these days. The doctors are looking for information and services that that helps them to better manage the health and clinical outcomes of their patients. HCPs increasingly want their experience with Pharma companies to be truly personalized, authentic, and built around their individual needs.

There is no dearth of information on what customer experience is and why it is important for Pharmaceutical marketers. In this insight article, we highlight the key practical aspects of customer experience to which Pharmaceutical marketers should pay attention when putting it in practice. These practical insights are based on MedSynapse’s extensive experience of working with Doctors on its doctors networking platform on one hand and Pharma companies as clients on other hands.

Supporting HCPs through the Decision Journey

Doctor’s Customer Experience Journey

The success of any pharma marketing activity lies in the influence it has on the opinion and prescribing behaviour of the doctors. This change in doctors prescribing behaviour is not an atomic process but a gradual one. Below is a typical customer journey of HCP:

In the Decision Journey of doctors, they face different mental barriers before they can move to the next stage. The key to overcoming these barriers is ENGAGEMENT with the HCP. As different doctors from the target audience will be at different stage of their Decision Journey, the engagement must be highly personalised and customised to his current stage.

To address these issues and mental barriers so that the HCPs can be easily transitioned from one stage to the next one, here are some practical points to consider while designing your customer experience program:


Brand Awareness Stage

Objective: Ensure that HCPs notice our products and brands in a crowded market

MENTAL BARRIERSNot so interesting enough
No marginal advantage over other products
Is a pure marketing pitch from Pharma?
Is expensive for patients
CONTENT GOALMaximizing reach
Maximizing share of voice
Answering ‘what it is about’
CONTENT TYPESAnswering ‘what it is about’.
Grab initial interest of physicians –
Establish need for discussion.
Owning the therapy leadership Position
CONTENT FORMATGuideline recommendations
How to articles.
General article on therapy area
Likes and Votes
Awareness Stage of HCP Customer Journey


Brand Consideration Stage

Objective: Ensure that doctors understand in depth how your brands can help their patients with better clinical outcomes.

CONTENT GOALMaximizing Reach
Deep dive into details
Answering ‘when to use it’
Answering efficacy and economy
Detailed information about the use and
benefits of molecule
CONTENT TYPESDiscuss efficacy and safety of the molecule.
to build-up to initial user interest
Introducing the molecule as solution for
current needs
CONTENT FORMATMolecule Discussion – mechanism of action
Clinical Trials Summary
Clinical case presentations
Effective use of International and Domestic
Brand Advocates (KOL)
Webinars and Panel discussions
Likes and Votes
Consideration Stage of HCP Customer Journey


Decision Stage

Objective: Ensure that the doctors prescribe your brand over others

Answering ‘Why this and not others’
Answering ‘how to use’
CONTENT TYPESAnswering ‘how to use’
Answering ‘Why this and not others’
Comparative efficacy of molecule with others
Bringing experience of others into practice
Webinars by KOLs
Clinical case presentations By KOL’s
Competitive Analysis
Comments and discussions
Questions related to clinical decision making
Decision Stage of HCP Customer Journey


Objective: Ensure that the HCPs are loyal prescribers of the product and also recommend to other doctors as well

Service and Retention Stage
CONTENT GOALBuilding Empathy
Build consensus around clinical application,
strength and weakness
Building Interactions / Participations
CONTENT TYPESBuild consensus around clinical application,
strength and weakness
Advocacy from practitioners
Patient Story- the whole experience
Driving audience to established one on one
CONTENT FORMATPanel discussions
Patient Journey and Success stories
KOL Videos and Webinars
Patient Education Kits
Product Monographs / Material
KPISExperience sharing
Drug feedback
Survey participation
Downloads of marketing product collateral
PPTs and PDFs
Service and Retention Stage of HCP Customer Journey

MedSynapse works with its clients in Pharmaceutical Industry to manage the customer experience of doctors for product marketing with its innovative CXCenter offering. By mapping the doctor journey for a brand and effectively customizing the digital content marketing at each stage, CXCenter offers a unique and new approach to get the desired outcome.

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